Professional software developer who has a passion for analog tools in the service of writing, thinking, and reading.
Currently Lead Developer at Gatekeeper Systems where I build spatial data integration solutions for the utility industry. After many years living in Southern California, I now live in New Orleans with my wonderful life partner and three cats.
- tdcreate - A better template format for Todoist projects
- streamdeck-time-tracker - Yet another StreamDeck and Toggl integration
- - I maintain a site for my parents who are artists
Retired Projects
- Pinswift - An iOS client for the pinboard bookmarking service
- NOLA Transit - An iOS app displaying real-time and schedule information for the New Orleans public transit system
- bikebus - A mobile web application and SMS interface demonstrating “multi-modal” trip planning for the city of New Orleans, allowing a user to get directions through the city while “on the go” using any combination of walking, bicycling, and public transit.